CMMB is an academic department within the College of Natural Sciences. It offers both MSc and PhD programs (no undergraduate programs) in the following areas.

This module surveys the scope, development, and breakthrough in the study on the distribution, diversity and function of microorganisms in the environment. It covers the three pillars of the course; technical and philosophical aspects of waste/pollution; measurements and parameters of pollution and intervention (prevention and mitigation through interactive and proactive approaches. The course also emphasizes the importance of the different microbial groups that are involved in degradation and detoxification (natural and synthetic) of organic molecules in a biogeochemical cycle in a microcosm. It also deals how microorganisms are manipulated in bioremediation of solid, water, and aerial wastes that pollute the environment in a modern waste management system. The different designs of waste treatment of solid waste (composting, landfill), liquid waste (pond systems), and air (bios crubbing, etc) vis-a-vis engineering. Topics are also included with regard to the different methods that are employed in the study of microorganisms of environmental importance. The teaching includes all methods; interactive, collaborative and student self-teaching. A few laboratory sessions will be either demonstrated or be assigned as deemed necessary. This module will provide the background information about environmental pollution and the different methods of abetting pollution ranging from the interactive end-of-pipe-treatment up to the modern approach of the proactive cleaner technology approach. This helps students to understand the source of pollution and the modern-state-of-the-art waste treatment systems.